Low Cost Renters Insurance.
Urban has Renters insurance policies from as little as $10 a month, giving you the peace of mind of knowing your personal possessions are properly protected.
The policy your landlord carries will likely only cover their property but NOT yours. Securing a renters insurance policy will cover your stuff, from furniture and clothes to computers, home entertainment equipment, books and more.
Why you need renters insurance?
Renters insurance protects your possessions. Just as disaster can strike one’s house, those same disasters can cost you all of the things you worked so hard to acquire. Walk around your apartment with a calculator, and see just how quick the cost of replacing the contents will add-up. Just as with Homeowners, a renters policy will cover costs the come from the “Loss of Use” while your unable to live in your apartment.
A renter’s policy will also protects you against liability losses, resulting from injuries on your property. No matter how careful you are, guests in your apartment can slip, fall, or in other ways injure themselves, that’s why it’s critical you have the needed liability protection.
Click below for a free
Renters insurance quote online
or just call for advice
We make it easy.
Urban simplifies the whole process allowing you to get a Renters Insurance quote online with few questions. Just click on the photo of the apartment above, complete the few questions, and you will have an accurate quote in minutes. You can purchase that coverage with just a “Click.” Of course, we are just a phone call away
if you have any questions, please call us and we will happily answer your inquiries and explain any terms that are unfamiliar.
Whether you need renters in Chicago, renters in the Chicago suburbs, or renters or Homeowners
anywhere in Illinois or Indiana, we can find the coverage you need.
Just give us a call at 800-680-0707.
Our friendly and professional auto insurance agents are available to talk to you Monday – Saturday from 8:00A – 6:00P
Urban Insurance Agency, LLC 800 W Huron St #301, Chicago, IL 60642 312-664-8088
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