When you contact Urban Insurance Agency you will be able to speak to Insurance Agents that are licensed and have the training and experience to help guide you through all of your questions. Our agents are here to help you select the policy that best fits your needs, but also to help you navigate the claims process. Agents must receive a license from the Department of Insurance in the state they reside. Since Agents not only sell policies, but also give advice and guidance; the Insurance Department needs to confirm that these agents have the information and judgement to help people make difficult decisions.
To become an insurance producer you must complete the following requirements.
- Complete the pre-licensing requirement of 20 hours per line of authority; 7.5 of the 20 hours must be completed in a classroom setting i.e. life, Accident/Health, Fire (Property) Casualty, Personal Lines – Fire (Property) and Casualty.
- Upon completing your pre-licensing requirements an perspective agent may then sit for the insurance examination.
- If a perspective agent passes the licensing examination they will be given conformation and only then can they receive an Insurance license.
- All agents are required to take “Continuing education” classes each year, and show proof each time their license is renewed.
Insurance is sold by two types of agents: independent agents, who are self-employed, represent several insurance companies and are paid on commission, and exclusive or captive agents, who represent only one insurance company and are either salaried or work on commission. Insurance companies that use exclusive or captive agents are called direct writers. At Urban Insurance Agency, we are independent agents and can get you the best deal on car insurance.
In these day when so many people are “Buying Car Insurance Online” often they are completing applications, and forms that they might not fully understand. Questions concerning Actual Cash Value, Loss Payees, Comprehensive Coverage VS liability only can have major ramifications at the time of a loss. While this site has over 400 pages of information and answers to your insurance questions; it is important to know that at Urban Insurance there are agents waiting to answer your questions.